Choose well your equipment
to clean your gardenning tools
In order to select the appropriate CLIPLIFT, here is a comparative table with specifications for helping you to choose and avoid to have an equipment undersized or oversized with your needs.

Riding lawn mowers maintenance tips
With the arrival of spring, nature wakes up and your garden will be the center of your attention.
Gardening is a real source of pleasure, serenity, discovery and sharing, the maintenance of your gardening tools should not spoil the moment.
You have a lawn tractor and you enjoyed the first mowings but now you start to have questions regarding the maintenance of your machine.
Until the end of autumn, you will use it often.
Riding a well-maintained lawn tractor provides an optimal and consistent performance, helping avoid engine damage when grass clippings prevent the rotation of the blades.

Here are some tips for enhancing the performance of your riding lawn mower
and helping to extend the lifetime of your equipment
Clean the deck and sharpen your blades
Thanks to the Cliplift, you can easily and safely clean the deck of your riding lawn mower and a scraper or telescopic scraper will help make the task easier.
Check the blades (if they are sharpened or rounded), drive belts, pulleys and rollers. A lot of debris accumulates on these parts which exposes them to more wear and tear. We suggest to make the maintenance of your machine after each mowing or every two mowings.
Don’t forget the tires
Verify tire pressure. Under-inflated, your tires will increase your fuel consumption and decrease the efficiency of your riding lawn mower.
Prevent fuel leak
Do not tilt the riding lawn mower over 45 degrees, otherwise gasoline may escape through the vents of the tank cap. That is why our range of products doesn’t exceed this angle.
Lubricate after cleaning and drying
Spray inside and outside the deck with a waterproof lubricant after cleaning and drying in order to prevent corrosion and reduce the accumulation of grass clipping.
Also, when the winter comes, repeat this operation especially if your lawn tractor will stay in a humid area.